Hello from Jolie and SJP Studios,
I recently contacted my old friend Chad Channing, because I thought it would be nice to catch up, and have a nice chat/interview. Except I didn't want to just talk about music. I wanted to talk to Chad about more personal topics and common interests. Well my interests mainly. But as it turns out we have the same interests, especially when it comes to movies and books.
Thank you Chad, and thank you for giving my readers some personal insight, into the life of such a talented musician. A musician who has brought so much joy to so many.
May you continue to do so for many years to come.
1.) Chad it’s been so long, tell me a little about what is going on in your life?
I've been doing music my whole life and have been in many different bands over the years. Currently I play with Paundy and Before Cars. I have two children, Lucy & Nolan. I've been fortunate enough to travel Europe a few times and play shows there. Lifes been pretty busy for me : )
Hi Andy!
From Jolie
2.) You have spent a fair amount of time travelling around the world. What has been your
favorite city or town so far, and why?
I like Holland a lot. Wageningen is one of my favorite cities, cause it has a very old world feel to it. Bergan is also nice and I love the beaches there : )
3.) How about your least favorite place and/or weirdest experience?
I Don't really have a least favorite place, but I will say Budapest was interesting and being in Berlin when the wall was coming down was quite an experience! It's actually pretty cool to see the wall now a days cause many parts of it still stand due to the fact that there is lots of art on the wall. Some done by famous artists.
4.) Do you have any non musical hobbies that you enjoy doing? Artistic people usually have their fingers in many pots.
4.) Do you have any non musical hobbies that you enjoy doing? Artistic people usually have their fingers in many pots.
Not really, though I do enjoy puzzles and hiking when I can. Oh and I like to collect tin robots though I don't have many. It's still fun though.
5.) I don’t know if you are wallowing in this new “Golden Age” of television like I am, but if you are tuning in, what are your favorite TV shows?
Well I did really enjoy the remake of the BattleStar Galactica show. Also Orange is the New Black is pretty good.
6.) If you could do a guest spot on The Walking Dead, would you want to be a one episode member of the group? Or would you want to play a zombie that takes out somebody in the group?
A member of the group whether they die or not. I like acting. Oh and btw, that's another show I really like! Might be my favorite right now.
7.) When was that last time you saw a movie at a theater? Do you feel that movies have taken a swan dive in the past few years, or can you always find something to go see?
7.) When was that last time you saw a movie at a theater? Do you feel that movies have taken a swan dive in the past few years, or can you always find something to go see?
Hmm, it's been awhile since I've been to the theaters. It may have been the last Star Trek movie. So yeah, quite awhile ago. I think Hollywood tries to push out to many movies in a year. Some are good while others seem forced and the story lines are a bit weak. With that being said though. I wish sometimes that home movies of any kind didn't exist, so that the only way to catch a movie was via the theater. It was always such a big deal going to the movies when I was a kid, and I miss that sometimes. I do still enjoy it of course but it's not quite the same.
8.) This question is totally fan magazine fodder from the 1960’s. Chad what is your favorite food? Do you like to cook at home or are you a take out king?
8.) This question is totally fan magazine fodder from the 1960’s. Chad what is your favorite food? Do you like to cook at home or are you a take out king?
I like to eat at home and go out pretty much equally. Far as favorite food goes, geez that's hard. My favorite food is often what I feel most in the mood for at the moment, if that makes any sense,lol! But I guess I can say I would put good Mexican and Asian(mostly Thai) food at the top of my list. Well gee, I do love a good lasagna too. See, this is hard! lol!
9.) What is your all time favorite book and if it hasn't already been done, do you think it would make a good movie or series?
I've read maybe 13-15 books in my life cause I have trouble reading. It's not because I can't. In fact I was always reading 4 grades above on average all through school. My mind just has trouble concentrating long enough to finish even a single paragraph. Anyways, with that being said, God Bless You Mister Rosewater has always been my favorite of the few I have read. Not sure if it would make a good movie or series though.
10.) Chad the holidays are officially on the horizon. Do you have a favorite holiday? If not, and you could make up your own holiday, what would it be?
(Mine is Krampus and boy would I like to go to Germany to see that parade in person!)
(Mine is Krampus and boy would I like to go to Germany to see that parade in person!)
Heh, I like yours : ) My favorite is about to happen, Day Of The Dead. We celebrate it every year and people will bring picture's of those they wish to honor. It's a lot of fun! : )
You were perfect Chad and I really enjoyed catching up.
Let's talk again soon